ATTENTION: All members and friends of Cannington Community Services Centre (CCSC) are advised that 1) Friday January 31 will be the FIRST evening back for dine in / take away meals at 142 Wharf St, Cannington, starting at 5PM. 2) Care Group will also recommence at 7:15PM. 3) The Food Pantry is continuing each Friday (2 - 4 PM) on 10/01/25, 17/01/25, 24/01/25, 31/01/25. All three community outreaches will continue each Friday thereafter. Visit the @canningtonadventist FB page for updates or use this website's contact forms to request more info. Thanks.

Fighting off the flu: Health InFocus

19 Sep 2014

Are you run down, unwell or struggling with a case of the sniffles? Dr James Wright shares surprising research that suggests well-known gastric reflux medications known as PPIs can hugely reduce the risk of developing a serious flu. Record InFocus interview with Dannielle Synot. Your feedback: [email protected]